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Pales vs Brights - Which Lip Color is Best?

Succulent Lip Twins from Pixi Beauty
Pasty pale shades or bright orange, hot pink, or red? They are both very popular right now. How do you choose? Which lip color is best? Maybe the better question is: Which Lip Color is Best FOR YOU?

Every girl has at least one go-to lipstick or lipgloss in her bag. So, which color works for everyone?
Ha! Trick question, right? No ONE color is good for everyone. We are all individuals with unique fashion sense. You like certain colors for your makeup, clothing, accessories, etc. I have my own favorites. That's the way it should be.

Choosing your go-to lip color should be as simple as which color makes you feel best.
It can often get confusing, however, when advertising tells you that you have picked the wrong shade and encourages you to go trendy. And then the seasons change. And then there are those days when you just feel like a rebel and want your lips to reflect your attitude. You know what I mean...

My answer to the lipstick dilemma?

Choose two.

There are days when a simple nude gloss will suffice. Then there are days when you need to give your look a pop of color. A deep or bright color on your lips will do the trick. Keep one of each type of lip color in your bag and be ready for any mood, season, or fashion trend.

What do you think? How do you choose a shade of lipstick? Do you go with the trends in the magazines or do you choose something you have always worn? Please leave a comment and share your favorite shade and brand!

*Image courtesy Stuart Miles/

Peace, Love and Beauty, 
the Beauty Lady 

Disclosure: Sometimes, I will be compensated if you click on certain links and decide to purchase the products I recommend. These recommendations are always based on a positive experience with the person or company whose product I am recommending.

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