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The idea of never having to shave again is really appealing, but if you think you are just going to make a quick trip to the laser hair removal center and be done with it, you need to learn a little more about the process. Laser hair removal requires several visits to completely eradicate unwanted hair, and after each visit, the skin in the affected area will need extra care.

Laser Hair Aftercare: The First Few Days

For anywhere from two hours to three days, the treated area will feel like it is sunburned, and there will be some redness and bumps. There may also be some swelling.To soothe the area, apply cold compresses, Desitin, or an after-sun gel with aloe vera. Take cool baths during this time, and avoid hot tubs and swimming pools.

If there is any crusting, an antibiotic cream should be applied to the area. The crusting usually heals within 5-10 days.

You can apply makeup after your treatment as long as there is no blistering in the area. Apply moisturizer under the makeup, but make sure you don't use anything with alpha-hydroxy acids.

For underarms, you should avoid using deodorant for the first 24 hours. Wipe with a cotton ball or pad soaked in alcohol instead.

5-30 Days After Treatment

Within a week to a month after your treatment, you'll notice what appears to be new hair growth. This is dead hair working its way out of the hair follicles. It will be shed on its own, but you can speed up the process by exfoliating if you'd like to get it over with.

Avoid Sun Exposure for Two Months

For the first two full months following a laser hair removal procedure, you should avoid exposure to the sun. Your skin will be sensitive to sunlight and will be more likely to develop temporary or permanent discoloration if it is exposed to the sun. Apply sunscreen every day, even if you don't go outdoors.

Hair Removal Between Treatments

While you are undergoing laser hair removal treatments, you should avoid using any other type of hair removal product. This includes waxing, tweezing, electrolysis, and all other hair removal methods except clipping and shaving. Products that remove the hair from the follicle, such as tweezing and waxing will prevent the hair from being targeted during the next laser treatment.

About the Author: Rachel Myers is a former beauty technician who writes articles about health and beauty topics. She works for Hairfree laser hair removal in Sydney.