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How Smoking Adversely Effects Your Looks

Do you smoke?

If you do, I am sure you have heard the health warnings. Well, aside from cancer, lung disease, and other well-known health risks, smoking can also wreak havoc on your looks.

Here are a few ways smoking adversely effects your looks:

  1. Free radicals are present in the system of a smoker, causing more rapid aging and resulting in lack of oxygen and nutrients. Your skin and hair need oxygen and nutrients to retain their glow.
  2. Smokers are more susceptible to wrinkles than non-smokers. These wrinkles are especially prominent around a smoker's mouth and eyes
  3. Smoking decreases Vitamin C levels, which is a natural antioxidant and helps collagen production. Collagen is essential for healthy, firm, resilient, youthful skin.
  4. Hair becomes thinner, finer, more brittle, dull, lackluster, and dry. Many of my clients who stopped smoking, noticed their hair and skin dramatically changed for the better. Instead of dull, dry, and lifeless, their hair and skin became soft, shiny, and bright!  Even the texture changed drastically.  It also improved their haircolor results.
  5. Yellow teeth, bad breath, and change in voice are all obvious and common effects of smoking. And these are all really, really counter-productive in our quest for beauty. 
So, do you still smoke? Quitting is difficult. There are chemical, as well as physiological forces to contend with in the process. However, knowing how smoking effects your looks may make it a bit easier. Quitting may actually extend your life and benefit your looks in the process!

Image Credit: iStockphoto 09-21-10 © Mac99
Disclosure: Sometimes, I will be compensated if you click on certain links and decide to purchase the products I recommend. These recommendations are always based on a positive experience with the person or company whose product I am recommending. Pretty please, always do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchases and be a good steward of your money - never purchase anything that you cannot afford.


  1. This is very interesting blog.People who are addict of smoking will definitely think about the adverse effect about there habit.

  2. cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.

  3. OGV-Thanks for commenting. I hope it sheds light on smoking's relationship to the aging process.

  4. Hi In-Home Oxygen,
    Thanks for your comment. Yes, I agree. Smoking takes a negative toll on the inside and the outside.
