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The Good Fats, The Bad Fats, and Your Beautiful Glowing Skin

Image Credit iStockphoto
09-08-10 © Nikola Miljkovic
Have you ever gone on a low fat diet?

Although eliminating most fats from your diet could lead to better health, it could also cause your skin to become dull, dry, and downright flaky.

If that doesn't sound like the look you are going for, read on, my friend. The following is a small list of fats we want to keep in our diets in moderation (for our skin's sake) and those we should eliminate.

The Good
Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats 
Some examples include:
Olive Oil

The Bad
Saturated Fats and Trans Fats
Some examples include:
Meat Fat
Fried Food
Baked Goods

Of the Good fats above, Salmon is my favorite. The essential fatty acids and Omega-3s in Salmon can help reduce wrinkles and nourish the skin, leading to a radiant glow!

Remember, eliminating all fats from your diet could dry out your skin and lead to a dull appearance. And I know you prefer to glow, am I right? Stick to the good fats, in moderation, to achieve better health and keep your beautiful skin glowing!

To get more information on fats and health, visit the American Heart Association online.

*This post does not constitute medical or professional healthcare advice. Always check with your health care provider for diet, medical, and health advice.


  1. Thanks for sharing such an interesting article.This will definitely help me to get healthy and glowing skin by following by diet.

  2. This is very interesting article.This will definitely help me to get beautiful and glowing skin by balancing my diet.

  3. CGV, Thank you for your comment.
    Stay healthy and beautiful,
    the Beauty Lady
