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Spring Color Palette

Are you a Spring? Do you love wearing pale pinks, lime greens, and peaches? Other colors in this palette include lavender (yes, it gives me an 80s flashback, as well), orange, turquoise, and yellow. Spring Colors are generally warm.

To determine if you are a Spring:

Check your skintone. Do you have a warm or golden undertone to your skin? (as opposed to a cool or pink undertone) Best place to check is on the inside of your wrist.
Do you tend to freckle? This is often associated with red in the hair and a warm palette.

Check your natural haircolor. Do you have natural gold, orange, or red in your hair (as opposed to ashy, drab natural haircolor)?  The hair belonging to a Spring color palette will often have more warmth.

Check your eye color. Do you have fairly light eyes, with flecks of gold(vs dark eyes)?
Lighter eyes tend to be an indicator of Spring or Summer color palettes.

These determining factors must be taken in to consideration together. Each individual factor alone cannot determine one's color palette.

As I was shopping this past week, I noticed a very obvious push for pastels in many clothing stores. This makes sense, as these are definitive Spring Colors. Of course, I was shopping for a completely different color palette, but it seems I am often either one season behind or one ahead of the current trend. Not to worry that I was breaking the fashion rules, because I needed something specific for my wardrobe. But if you want to stay fashion-forward, you may want to know just what the industry recommends.

This year's SPRING trends
Many industry gurus are showing Pastels as the latest "it" colors for fashion and makeup. Check out the CIFF Spring/Summer 2010 colors from Fashion Trendsetter, specifically the Light Tech palette. Also, check out Pantone's Fashion + Home website to download their Spring picks.

As mentioned in an earlier post on Colors and Seasons, your personal color palette plays an important roll in beauty and fashion. You may already know what you like, what colors make you feel best. Although it is not always necessary to follow the current trends, determining your personal color palette can help you make your fashion and beauty color choices with confidence. It is best to use your color palette as a guideline. Once you determine your Season, feel free to break the rules of your personal color palette, as long as you feel great in what you wear!

What is your favorite color to wear? If you have questions regarding your Season, contact me to find out more!

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